Mapping Tree Species Distribution | Guides | Rezatec

Accurately identify tree species from space

Effective forest management and commercial decision making relies on a detailed understanding of what tree species is located where. The spatial and temporal resolutions of satellites offer a unique data source to understand species across even the largest forests. They are now used in business as a notable alternative to traditional methods, bringing:

Identify species & distribution

Data view across vast geographic areas, drilled down to individual tree level.

Pinpoint where species are growing

Provides insights on species, volume, size and location.

Calculate the likely cost of extraction

Accurately value inventory, extraction costs and optimum transportation routes.

Forest Inventory

Zero in on the value

Our forest inventory product uses geospatial AI to remotely analyse inventory across your entire forest. To individual tree level. Without the need for aerial surveys. It provides detailed, continuous data on height, count, volume and species distribution as it changes over time. Use this frequently refreshed information to cost-effectively determine harvesting potential, forecast supply, assess stock values and optimise operational work. And gain advantage when competing for harvest rights.

See how we can help

Take a look at geospatial AI in action. Explore how satellite data can provide a view of your entire asset base across vast areas. Discover how analytics drill down to a level of detail you never knew existed.