Data to maximize forestry profitability | Guides | Rezatec

Gaining new insights with technology

When you own or manage timberland, survey data is vital to fulfilling inventory requirements. Advances in satellite imaging and analysis now provide foresters with a commercial advantage, complementing existing strategies to solve forestry challenges and drive profit. This article explores how continuous monitoring can:

Tackle old issues with new solutions

By throwing more light on tree health and maturity, and the extent of storm, fire or pest damage, geospatial data enables foresters to streamline their operations.

Be your most powerful forestry tool

Having fresh information on all the land you manage sets your operation up to make the most effective investment decisions

Give you unrivalled, frequent information

With source data updated as often as daily, satellite analysis can give a regular picture of the species, disease, and volumetric breakdown of vast areas of forest, reaching far higher levels of accuracy than most traditional surveying approaches.

Forest Health

Remote, scalable, cost-effective

Satellite imagery is emerging as a new ally to foresters seeking to make the best investments in new land, and maximize the health and profitability of the lands they already own or manage. To learn more, read our guide.

See how we can help

Take a look at geospatial AI in action. Explore how satellite data can provide a view of your entire asset base across vast areas. Discover how analytics drill down to a level of detail you never knew existed.