Dam Safety

Dam Safety & Geospatial AI: Super Charge Regulatory Reporting

Join us to take a  30 minute deep dive into the real-life challenges dam operators face in assessing and prioritizing PFMs and evidencingrisk assessment for regulatory reporting.  And take a deep dive into our NEW dam monitoring platform which is helping to simplify these challenges and elevate dam operations.  

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Webinar Details

Webinar happened on Thursday, 22nd February 2024 at 8:00 PM (GMT)

Join us to explore real-life challenges faced by leading hydro power, water utilities, state and private dam operators in balancing safety, regulatory compliance and resource allocation.  

Together we’ll explore how leading dam operators around the world rely on geospatial AI to:

  • Assess and prioritize PFMs 
  • Evidence comprehensive risk assessment 
  • Build regulatory and investment confidence 

You’ll see first-hand how geospatial AI is helping to solve dam safety engineers’ on the ground issues with brand new functionality that enables them to: 

NEW 1. Collate Comprehensive Data: Learn how to seamlessly centralize all your instrumentation and survey data, creating a robust foundation for decision-making. 

NEW 2. Enhance with Geospatial Insights: Explore how our new platform empowers you to enhance your data with geospatial ground motion, vegetation, and seepage data for a holistic perspective. 

NEW  3. Prioritize and Direct Resources: Understand how to assess the magnitude of unusual movements, analyze alterations in flood zones, and establish a comprehensive risk assessment to prioritize activities and justify investments. 

NEW 4. Evidence risk-informed decision making: Easily report on data, trend visualisations and comparisons to demonstrate risk-informed decision making to your regulator and stakeholders.  



Camilla Braithwaite

Job Title: Head of Product

Company: Rezatec

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